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Reflection cell
Reflection cell

Other themes 25 February 2008 The OIF Strategic Reflection Cell is pleased to announce the official launch of its discussion forum. The Cell, to fulfill its missions, opens its major themes to reflection and proposals. The first theme, “La Francophonie et les migrations internationales”, which has just been the subject of a report, is open. We are therefore looking forward…

Jean Charest meets Abdou Diouf
Jean Charest meets Abdou Diouf

Other themes January 18, 2008 the Premier of Quebec, Mr. Charest and Mr. Abdou Diouf / OIF Abdou Diouf, Secretary General of La Francophonie, met this Friday, January 18, 2008, in Paris, with Jean Charest, Prime Minister of Quebec. During their meeting, Premier Charest first gave an update on the preparations for the next Summit, to be held from October…

To Take Control
To Take Control

“The Quebec government can not walk outside and can not eat healthy in the place of seniors, it is also up to seniors to take charge and help themselves to develop a good quality of life. “. The minister responsible for seniors, Marguerite Blais, agreed yesterday at the Liberal Party’s regional brunch to an 82-year-old man who pointed out the…

Real Change Requires Patience
Real Change Requires Patience

Taking a daily dose of cholesterol level. But it will effect significant change in due time. Constancy, patience and perseverance are necessary attitudes that a person must possess in undergoing natural treatments and deliberately consuming high blood pressure supplements. The essence of taking natural supplements supplements the various unnatural types of supplements in the purity of the whole medication process. First, it is pure…

What are Natural Supplements?
What are Natural Supplements?

Natural supplements to the “unprocessed” supplies of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that have an effect on the risk of having an increased blood pressure. Canned fruit juices and instant, “processed” vegetables do not really belong to this category. Canned pineapple juices are so helpful that they are available. However, it is possible to use a lot of fresh produce because it can not be Actually, canned pineapple…

The Real Benefits of High Blood Pressure Natural Supplements
The Real Benefits of High Blood Pressure Natural Supplements

In order to maintain a normal blood pressure, one must take a amount of “natural supplements” daily. Natural supplements are more likely to be effective and safe to use in the body. Taking high blood pressure natural supplements . This will determine the progress and digress of hypertension medication.